Smells like sewage or burning plastic?

Author: Andrey Bondarev

If you're experiencing a weird smell from your dishwasher, it's probably time for a repair. Find out what's causing the smell and how to fix it!

What to do if your dishwasher smells like sewage or burning plastic

Having a dishwasher in the home is essential for busy families and individuals - it saves time, and energy and ultimately makes life easier. Unfortunately, dishwashers can develop all sorts of problems over time, one of which is when they start emitting strange odors like sewage or burning plastic. If you experience this issue, then you should contact ProMaster Appliance Repair right away as it's likely indicative of an underlying problem with your dishwasher. They will assess the damage, provide you with a quote and diagnose the root cause so that you can get back to enjoying dishwashing without the foul odor in no time!

Home dishwashers are a convenient invention, allowing us to spend less time scrubbing dishes by hand. But dishwashers often require repairs as they start to wear out. If you’re experiencing dishwasher smells like sewage or burning plastic, chances are it needs a repair. ProMaster Appliance Repair specializes in taking care of dishwashers quickly and efficiently so your dishwashing woes can be put behind you. Save yourself from the funky dishwasher odors, and bring your dishwasher back to working order with ProMaster Appliance Repair!

If you ever notice oddly pungent smells coming from your dishwasher, it could indicate a serious potential safety hazard. If your dishwasher smells like sewage or burning plastic, you should unplug the dishwasher and turn off the water supply to it immediately. If sewage is leaking from the dishwasher, contact an emergency plumber swiftly; otherwise, you may want to call a qualified technician to take a look at it, who can then determine if any hardware needs to be replaced due to the hazardous smell. Taking precautions such as these will keep your family safe and sound.

How to identify the source of the smell

Identifying the source of an unpleasant dishwasher smell can be a tricky process. If the dishwasher smells like sewage, it could be due to a combination of old food particles stuck in the dishwasher's drain line, dish detergent that has been left in the dishwasher for too long, and large amounts of water backed up in the dishwasher's drain hose pans. On the other hand, if the dishwasher smells like burning plastic it is probably because there is something stuck inside sending burning plastic odors into the air. To deal with this issue, run a full cycle without load or dishwashing detergent, and, if that does not help, check for items that may have fallen into some hard-to-reach places and dispose of them accordingly. Make sure your plate is a dishwasher-safe bowl, otherwise the burning smell is coming from it.

A dishwasher that smells like sewage or burning plastic can make doing the dishes unbearable. If you find yourself having to endure such an unpleasant smell, it is important to try and identify its source as soon as possible. The three most common culprits are frayed wires, worn-out heating elements, or a dirty dishwasher filter. The burnt plastic smell can happen for various reasons. To diagnose the dishwasher smell, start by checking for any signs of damage on the dishwasher's wiring. If you notice any fraying cables or broken connections, contact a qualified electrician to inspect your dishwasher immediately. Additionally, if the dishwasher is older, inspect the heating element for any signs of wear and tear and replace it if necessary. Finally, clean or replace the dishwasher filter if it is clogged with excessive debris. With these simple steps, you should be able to get rid of the dishwasher odor and enjoy your dishwashing experience once more! Run an empty dishwasher to check your dishwasher filters and the dishwasher drain.

How to fix the problem and make your dishwasher smell fresh again

If your dishwasher smells like sewage or burning plastic, it’s time to take matters into your own hands. Don’t despair; the solution is simple and cost-effective. Start by emptying your dishwasher of all dishes and taking out any food particles that may be lingering at the bottom. Next, use a dishwashing cleaner to wash away all of that grease, grime, and gunk - this will help to eliminate any lingering odors. Then, prepare a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar, pour it into dishwasher-safe cups, and place them on the top shelf. Finally, run an empty cycle with hot water - the steam generated from the vinegar will freshen up your dishwasher. With these simple steps, you can easily have your dishwasher smelling fresh again! Plastic containers can cause bad smells in your drain filter. Check your kitchen sink for food residue and run an empty wash cycle to clean your dirty filter.

When dishwashers start to smell like sewage or burning plastic, it can be a cause of major dismay in the home. Luckily, there are simple solutions to fix this problem and restore your dishwasher's freshness. Firstly, cleaning the dishwasher racks with slightly soapy water or a specific dishwasher cleaner can reduce lingering odors in the dishwashing chamber. Secondly, to prevent future odors from reoccurring utilizing lemon juice and baking soda is very effective; just dissolve the baking soda in half a cup of warm water then pour it into a dishwasher-safe container and add lemon juice for extra scent power. Lastly, once all these steps have been taken you should run empty dishwashing cycles with white vinegar to disinfect and freshen up the dishwasher. Follow these easy steps and you'll soon be able to enjoy your fresh-smelling dishwasher again!

When to call an appliance repair service

Calling a reliable appliance repair service should be a homeowner’s first response when the dishwasher starts to emit odors of sewage or burning plastic. Not only will this help to maintain the dishwasher and extend its lifespan, but it can prevent greater issues in the home due to defective dishwasher components. Many appliance shops offer same-day service so that dishwashers can be fixed quickly, while other technicians may recommend replacement in some cases. Ignoring a dishwasher’s strange smells can be dangerous, as they could potentially emit hazardous fumes into the home if they malfunction or break down entirely. Seeking professional assistance is key in determining what step of action should come next and ensuring that the problem can be addressed safely and effectively.

ProMaster Appliance Repair Service

No one likes dealing with a broken dishwasher. Whether it's a faulty door seal or a clogged drain, dishwasher problems can quickly ruin your mealtime routine. Fortunately, ProMaster Appliance Repair Service is here to help. We specialize in dishwasher repair, and our team of experienced technicians is equipped to handle any problem. From simple repairs to complete replacement, we'll get your dishwasher back up and running in no time. Plus, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of our work, so you can be confident that you're making the best choice for your home. Contact ProMaster Appliance Repair Service today, and let us take the hassle out of dishwasher repair.


Dealing with a dishwasher that smells like sewage or burning plastic can be a headache, but there are simple solutions to fix the problem. By following the steps we've outlined in this article, you can easily have your dishwasher smelling fresh again. If your dishwasher is still emitting strange odors after trying these methods, it may be time to call in a professional appliance repair service. ProMaster Appliance Repair Service offers same-day service and guarantees satisfaction on all of its work. Contact us today to get your dishwasher back up and running!

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